Monday, September 29, 2008

Twitter Jaiku Pownce Facebook- And Then What?

I admit it...I found the title to this blog on a "blog topics" blog :) and had no idea what it meant - except the facebook part. So, I had to go look all of it up. Boy, do I feel old and out of touch. I like to consider myself someone who is interested in and fascinated by technology, but the electronic times have changed quickly.

I knew about Facebook. Though it's been around for awhile, I recently took the plunge and joined in and have been having a blast connecting with both old and new friends. Feeling behind on my writing skills, I thought it would be fun to start this blog. But, that's about where my electronic connections end.

I know there are people who still don't "do" email (I just can't get that), so I'm a bit ahead of the curve for my age, but I have to wonder, will my kids connect with their friends strictly through the web? How many different types of social networking sites will exist for them and how will they find time to keep up with all of them? Will they constantly have their noses in their laptops or their phones?

From an interpersonal communication standpoint, how will the changing evolution of online communication affect their social lives and the way they learn to deal with people? When I was a teenager, I spent hours on the phone with my girlfriends - and the occasional patient boyfriend who would tolerate my endless jabbering. Do teenagers still do that, or are they too busy updating their status and uploading photoshopped pictures of themselves? If they are still talking to each other, what about my kids? Will they still talk, or will it all move online? Will I have to post on facebook: "Karla is thinking it's time for everyone to come to dinner" in order to get them to a meal on time? It will be interesting to see how these sites affect my kids and whether I can stay a step ahead of them - or at least keep up. I hope to be able to guide them to talk with each other as real people - not onine personas.

Hmmmm... I'm sensing some great PhD fodder here... maybe it's time to go back to school! : )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I find myself saying "seriously?" a lot lately - maybe because Grey's Anatomy is getting ready to restart, but so many things seem to deserve it. In a grocery store quest for tempting health food, I discovered Fiber One Toaster Pastries... seriously? Do we really need to fiberize our Pop Tarts? Can't I just eat a chocolate cream Pop Tart and know I've done irreperable harm to my body without counting the fiber grams? And one of these lovely goodies (which is sure to cause extreme gastric upset due to the not-so-naturally occuring added fiber) still has 190 calories... seriously? Of course, I bought them anyway - couldn't resist the chance to taste fiber-laden Pop Tarts! : ) They didn't have chocolate, though...I settled for the cinnamon.

We now have to pay $60 to volunteer at school. Seriously. For the weekly pleasure of yelling at someone else's kids, we pay $60. I should say other parents have to pay because Trevor is almost never welcome at the school, so my ability to volunteer is limited. "Regular" volunteers (and they are working on defining that term) have to go through the usual clearances ($10 each) + now have to be fingerprinted by the FBI to the tune of $40 (at the volunteers' expense). Parents were upset about schlepping half an hour to the fingerprinting office, so the district agreed to bring the fingerprinting bus to school for our convenience. I wish I was kidding.

And, get political for a moment. I found out that Sarah Palin thinks that women who have been raped should not have a right to an abortion. Seriously? I can't imagine how any woman can hold this belief. I understand that we might have discussions about women who use abortion as birth control or "partial birth" abortion or many other controversial abortion topics, but rape? Seriously.

Now we'll turn the "seriously" back to Grey's Anatomy - Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST - two hour premiere! : ) I'm counting the minutes!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Get Thee Behind Me, Junk Food!

Why do I eat so much junk food? Who needs this crap? I work my butt off at the gym and come home and have a brownie. Why I can't I pick up some carrots and think, "mmmm...this is what I've been craving all morning!" Who invented junk food? If it didn't exist I wouldn't have a problem - it's all someone else's fault :P

I had a day of reconciliation with the scale. I knew I'd been overdoing it a bit, but there's nothing quite like the cold hard facts staring you in the face to give you a reality check. Guess it's time to hop back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon or something. It's just more fun eating junk food all the time.

I need to get into some new jeans if I want to improve my wardrobe. Gotta suck it up and suck it in!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Turn this Place on its Ear!

I'm feeling the need to purge! Not that I personally need to toss my cookies (although that would possibly be better than digesting the brownie I ate for lunch), but I need to purge my house, my wardrobe, my makeup - just everything! Well, we'll keep the kids and the hubbie, but everything else needs to be sorted and purged.

I think I get this feeling every fall - but this year more than ever before. Trevor is two and it's time for the baby toys to go. So, for starters, I need to dump all the baskets of toys on the first floor and a good half of them need to find homes outside of this one. My office...can you say the birthplace and deathplace of all unfinished projects? I can hardly stand it. I miss having the time to scrapbook - and I LOVE that hobby - but will I EVER find books for two large Spacebags full of photos? I think not! Who will sort through all of those photos? Ugh...

Every room in this house has a similar story, but back to me...when did I lose my sense of style - or maybe I never had a sense of style? I think I did - maybe when I first started working or at some point during high school when I put on my first pair of acid-washed peg-rolled jeans with my purple and black-striped off-one-shoulder extra big shirt with chain-link belt (wait...didn't I just see that shirt at NY and Company this weekend?). But, when did my style become assorted colors of v-neck t-shirts paired with a variety of capris/jean shorts/jeans that are too long or too short? I have a good friend who shall remain nameless (you know who you are, Jen B.... oops!) . Now, she has style! I saw her Friday with some casual, but super cute capris with a design on the bottom - just schlepping the kids around for the day, but still oh-so stylish! I never look that good even when I get "dressed up" (capris without holes in them + collared shirt). Granted, she's a size negative 4 and looks awesome in whatever she wears, but still... thin people can look like crapola too, and she does not look like crapola. I need to purge the wardrobe too. Seriously - right now I'm wearing a polo with the seam coming out. Is that necessary? Shouldn't I be ashamed that my boys dress better than I do?